May 11, 2008

digital love

When I am feeling nostalgic or just plain bored, I often open up the saved chat logs and read through them. I can almost feel the past reenact right in front of me. Digital information lasts forever, and that bit of memory is actually just a few kilobytes of data in the gigabytes of storage i have. That information will never be gone but at the same time, they will never be back.

That summer love; You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.


Anonymous said...

things may have gone, but they may return, only if you want them to - take care

icedlemontea said...

2 more days til we get to hear from you again! you'd better make it! ;D

Taciturnity said...

Are you free tomorrow morning? I want my breakfast date! :)

bu4 zai4 hu1 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3,
zhi3 zai4 hu1 cheng2 jing1 yong1 you3.